Home Page Forums Modeling the Missouri Pacific, Texas & Pacific, etc O Scale and S Scale New O scale models coming from SSM 3dr rail

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  • #6229

    The Mopac E6 # 7002 7003 A&B models will be here in July 2019 . The did every thing that I sent them for data and painting yes they have Portholes . I spent many conference calls with Scott and the builder in China at4 am US time, These will be stunning models. They are stand by only fully reserved.
    These are 699.95 ea for the A&B.

    He is also doing a 2nd run of the Mopac PA 2 A units 749.95 ea,
    these are in production now for mid June delivery,

    He is considering doing the T&P E 7 models with Portholes

    Bill Basden Delta Models http://www.deltamodelsusa.com

    Gregg Laiben

    Thanks for all your hard work on these Bill – nice to have another accurate MoPac model in O scale. I have the E6 A&B units reserved and look forward to receiving them. I’ll pick up replacement P:48 wheelsets from Jay Criswell at the upcoming O Scale West show later this month.


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