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  • in reply to: Railyard or roundhouse fire #9981
    Jerry Michels

    Sure looks like a coach yard fire. The roundhouse is off to the left of the photo. Location sure have me baffled. Jerry

    in reply to: Amtrak use of MP passenger cars #9961
    Jerry Michels

    Hi Bill Thanks for this information. I note the UP cars were pretty popular with Amtrak. They seemed to be some of the best cars Amtrak inherited, along with SP and Q. Jerry

    in reply to: Amtrak use of MP passenger cars #9951
    Jerry Michels

    I missed the early transition from the MP to Amtrak, and did not start taking photos until the summer of 1972. Amtrak’s National Limited at that time was a mix of PC and UP equipment, with PC power. It was a very unattractive train, but that wasn’t Amtrak’s fault. They were doing their best with what they had. Jerry

    in reply to: Missouri-Illinois Book information and reservations #9942
    Jerry Michels

    My copy of the Missouri-Illinois Book arrived today in Amarillo! This is going to be a GREAT read. Probably a long night reading tonight. Thanks Charlie! Jerry

    in reply to: Missouri-Illinois RR: Period Newspaper Articles #9921
    Jerry Michels

    I got a laugh from this statement ‘These laws prohibit the introduction of intoxicants of any description (see exception).’ I remember my paternal grandfather telling me he had a ‘medical exemption’ during prohibition. So did a lot of folks. My grandfather called whiskey his ‘medicine’ until he died in the 1970s. It took me along time to get the meaning he associated with the word medicine! I wonder if they investigated the doctors for the number of medicinal alcohol scripts they wrote?. Jerry

    in reply to: MFA Oil #9901
    Jerry Michels

    This would be great! I’d takes two sets. Question is, what tank car model to use? Jerry Michels

    in reply to: MFA Oil #9886
    Jerry Michels

    What a great photo! The large MFA flour mill in Washington, MO, was torn down in 2019 after being unused for years. Now new condos have taken its place. Sad to see the old building gone, but Front Street in Washington is really becoming a beautiful place, although not very railroad-oriented. I remember boxcars being loaded with flour at the MFA in the 1960s. I think the MFA switched to trucks before covered hoppers became the norm. Jerry Michels

    in reply to: Mopac early containers back in stock #9875
    Jerry Michels

    I bought two Charlie. Jerry

    in reply to: Rail Ferry between Natchez and Vidalia #9871
    Jerry Michels

    Eric, we can’t always help on a topic, but it is gratifying when we can. And of course feel free to ask additional questions. Jerry

    in reply to: Missouri Pacific Freight depot in Washington #9850
    Jerry Michels

    Not a problem. Wanted to make sure we were on the same page.

    in reply to: Missouri Pacific Freight depot in Washington #9847
    Jerry Michels

    Pat, I am unclear, do you consider the MPHS a ‘so-called’ historical society? I mean, we have done a huge amount of work knowing the MP inside and out. To not take the advice of an historical society, especially on established about 40 years ago, in my opinion is a dereliction of their duty. The city’s responsibility to to preserve the history of the depot, not do a Lionel paint job so it looks pretty. I hope I am reading you wrong on this. As far as getting a coat of paint, it is just as easy to get it right.

    in reply to: Missouri Pacific Freight depot in Washington #9843
    Jerry Michels

    Washington Missouri

    in reply to: Missouri Pacific Freight depot in Washington #9841
    Jerry Michels

    The decision is surely over my head. However, we are dealing with a group of hard-headed Germans There is a good historical society in Washington (to which I belong) but as far as I can figure out they were not contacted. Jerry

    in reply to: Good match for mopac ballast #9835
    Jerry Michels

    It can also depend on where the branch was located. In the coal mining areas, cinders and mine tailings even she shells (ground up of course) were used. Condensed track profiles always note the ballast type. Jerry Michels

    in reply to: New video up load of the MVL latest Locomotive addition #9822
    Jerry Michels

    Simply gorgeous! Locomotive and the whole layout. Thanks. Jerry Michels

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 183 total)